Tag Archives: Regimen

CBD and Sports: Do’s, Don’ts, and Everything in Between

There are sooooooo many articles, posts, blogs, and vlogs of anyone and everyone saying how cannabis has improved or bettered their workouts or competitions. Personally, I blaze every time I step foot on a golf course. For me, it helps for several different things; pain, anxiety, but most of all it just relaxes me. But […]

Skin Care & CBD

Let’s talk about CBD used in skincare. No question, CBD is everywhere, and as the trend grows so does the gimmicky bullshit. CBD and skincare, is this a fad or is CBD beneficial to the largest bodily system, the integumentary system, composed of skin, hair, nails, and sweat glands? For centuries humans have treated sickness […]

Where does CBD come from and why is it suddenly so popular?


Everyone is using cannabis today whether it’s CBD facials, an occasional edible to aid sleeplessness, or a social toke up at a party. It’s common now and highly recommended. Why such an influx in its ever-growing popularity? One by one states are changing laws in favor of cannabis and hemp use and cultivation, and CBD […]