Tag Archives: CannaBlog
There are sooooooo many articles, posts, blogs, and vlogs of anyone and everyone saying how cannabis has improved or bettered their workouts or competitions. Personally, I blaze every time I step foot on a golf course. For me, it helps for several different things; pain, anxiety, but most of all it just relaxes me. But […]
At the hemp apothecary, we constantly receive questions regarding administering CBD to children for a multitude of reasons; ADHD, autism, seizure disorder, eczema, and acne are just a few. There is no doubt that cannabis is rightfully credited for numerous medicinal benefits, it only seems natural that parents may determine that medicinal cannabis promotes a […]
Let’s talk about CBD used in skincare. No question, CBD is everywhere, and as the trend grows so does the gimmicky bullshit. CBD and skincare, is this a fad or is CBD beneficial to the largest bodily system, the integumentary system, composed of skin, hair, nails, and sweat glands? For centuries humans have treated sickness […]
With the popularity of CBD growing, companies are starting up everywhere. How do people know which CBD company is providing quality medicine? CBD companies aren’t regulated by the federal government, though, some states have regulations and guidelines in place to regulate the growing of hemp and the manufacturing of CBD products. Some states, even though […]
Everyone is using cannabis today whether it’s CBD facials, an occasional edible to aid sleeplessness, or a social toke up at a party. It’s common now and highly recommended. Why such an influx in its ever-growing popularity? One by one states are changing laws in favor of cannabis and hemp use and cultivation, and CBD […]
My name is Victoria Bruce, I am the director of nursing and operations at Bryan’s Green Care. My 10-year history of nursing prior to entering a career in cannabis and herbalism was primarily oncology. I was the sole nurse and managed a cancer center in a rural community for 8 years of my career. I […]